Archive for June, 2011
Encouraging News!
Yesterday a man said to Penny and myself; “You are the ones responsible for converting my son!” It was great to hear that the man’s son had come to faith in Christ on our ‘Good News’ Camp a number of years ago. The son is now at university and a keen Christian who is active serving God in the C.U. and local Church.
How encouraging to know that God is at work in us and through us and as we faithfully sow the ‘good seed’ of the gospel and along with our supporters ‘water it’ with prayer. As the apostle Paul wrote (2 Corinthians chapter 3 verses 6-9) we can then wait for God himself to germinate the seed and bring forth life!

“…I planted the seed in your hearts, and Apollos watered it, but it was God who made it grow. It’s not important who does the planting, or who does the watering. What’s important is that God makes the seed grow. The one who plants and the one who waters work together with the same purpose. And both will be rewarded for their own hard work. For we are both God’s workers. And you are God’s field.” (New Living Translation):
Psalm 130 “With You there is forgiveness”
Psalm 130 “With You there is forgiveness”– sermon by Gordon Curley.

(PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email:
Holiday in Turkey
I have just enjoyed a fantastic holiday in Turkey, two weeks of lazing in the sunshine, swimming in the sea or pool and enjoying uninterrupted time with Penny and the children.
It was good on both Sunday’s and to meet up with Turkish Christians in Antalya, at the Evangelical Church. Turkey is predominantly a Muslim country and Antalya Evangelical Church is the only Turkish Christian Church in Antalya Turkey. It has grown from meeting in a house to a congregation of about 150 believers, it is now one of the 10 largest Christian Congregations in all of Turkey .
I was invited by the Pastor to preach on both Sundays but only took up the invitation to preach on the second Sunday. This is not the first time I have preached abroad with a translator, but it is the first time I have preached with three armed guards placed discreetly outside the Church to protect us from any extremists.
A short while ago the Pastor of the Church needed house protection after threats to kill him had been made! This lasted for several months and the man who made the threats (and disrupted Church meetings) has now been arrested and the court case is ongoing.
So often we take for granted our freedom to meet together and our freedom to openly evangelise and share the gospel, so let’s remember to give thanks for this blessing and make the most of the opportunities that come our way!
Do pray for the Turkish Christians in Antalya (and their pastor Ramazan Arkan). You can find out more about the Antalya Evangelical Church by clicking here
It’s The Truth! (3 John)
Analysis of 3 John – sermon by Gordon Curley.

(PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email:
You’ve Got To Have Faith!
Mark chapter 7 verse 24 to chapter 8 verse 9 – sermon by Gordon Curley.

(PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email:
Mission: Rescue Holiday Club
Mission: Rescue Holiday Club was held at Wellington Road Community Church, Hounslow, London, UK, during the May half-term holiday.
Each day 50+ children excitedly came along, and what a mixture they were! We had Congolese, Somali, Ghanaian, Egyptian, Pakistani, Indian, Bangladesh, Polish and a few other nationalities which I didn’t write down! What a great opportunity to teach these youngsters (and some of their parents who stayed to help) the ‘Good News’ of Jesus Christ. Please pray that the ‘good seed’ of the gospel that has been sown in their young hearts and minds will, in time, bear fruit.
The week finished with a Saturday morning prize-giving and B-B-Q, the place was packed as parents and other members of the family filled the Church building and car park.
Mission: Rescue Holiday Club
Mission: Rescue Holiday Club was held at Wellington Road Community Church, Hounslow, London, UK, during the May half-term holiday.