Archive for November, 2011
Schools Opportunity!
‘Who made God?’ ‘How do you know the Bible is true?’ ‘What is a Christian?’ ‘What makes Jesus special?’ ‘Why are you a Christian?’
These are just a few of the questions asked by pupils during three ‘Grill A Christian’ sessions in a school in Southampton.
The pupils had prepared a wide range of questions during their 45 minute lesson.
What a great opportunity to share something of what Christians believe and help these pupils to a clearer understanding of the Christian faith!
David’s Lord
Psalm 110 – sermon by Gordon Curley.

(Powerpoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email:
In the High Priest’s Palace – Rejected
Mark 14: 53-72 – sermon by Gordon Curley.
(PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email:
The Net
A new series of ‘The Net’ (monthly outreach to men) started on Tuesday night (8/11/11) with a Quiz Night. This is the first in a series of events that will include a Fish & Chip Supper & Face to Face with Nick Ruffle. Snooker Evening. The Ultimate Challenge. Pub Meal followed by a lecture on “Science, Christianity & Ethics” with Dr Simon Kolstoe . Men’s Breakfast. B-B-Q in the woods.
It is the responsibility of local men to reach local men and ‘The Net’ is a resource that local men can tap in to and bring their friends, work colleagues or family members along to.
Please pray that (1). the events will go well. (2). the guest speakers will share God’s word clearly. (3). the follow up conversations that take place afterwards at the bar or in the car on the journey home.
In the Upper Room – Betrayed
Preparing for Passover & the Lord’s Supper Mark chapter 14 verses 12-26 – sermon by Gordon Curley

(Powerpoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email: