Camp Prayer Request
RE: Good News Camps 2012:
Praise for:
*Praise for a full Camp – We are literally overflowing with kids – 32 boys & 44 girl Campers! With an additional 38 Leaders, 6 Workers Kids, giving us a grand total of 120 on site.
*A great Camp site – each year Lockerley Water Farm gets better & better and this year no leaky tents as we are all in huts/units!
*Praise for a varied team of helpers,(different experiences, ages and Church backgrounds) which will provide a great opportunity to work together (Psalm 133 – The Message: “How wonderful, how beautiful, when brothers and sisters get along…Yes, that’s where God commands the blessing”).

Pray for:
*Pray for 3 male assistant hut leaders (our biggest need!)
*Pray forHealth & safety – accidents do happen – pray with us that any accident/health issue will be insignificant!
*Pray forUnity & balancing the team – we have a variety of helpers – pray that we will all compliment each other in our various roles.
*Pray forFor Gordon as he prepares talks for this year’s Camp.
*Pray forFor a good time spiritually– that the week will be marked with conversions and spiritual growth.
Thanks for your prayers & support!