Archive for April, 2013
Paul Verses the Eggheads
Paul in Athens, preaching at the Areopagus (Mars Hill) – Acts chapter 17 verses 16-34 – sermon by Gordon Curley

(PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email:
‘The Net’ – Snooker Evening
Great night last evening at ‘The Net’ (Monthly Events for Men)
For most of us our snooker was embarrassingly poor, but playing doubles with people of the same standard made for an enjoyable evening out.
Colin Dyer was our guest speaker and he spoke on the subject: ‘Is there life after death?’ An imaginative and challenging presentation!
‘The Net is held on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 8.00pm (November to May).
It is an inter-church event for MEN run by ‘Counties’ Hants.
‘Space Academy’ Holiday Club
Great time at the four day ‘Space Academy’ Holiday Club (Duncan Road Church. Southampton –
Ivor Cooper and the team from Myton Church, Warwick led this years Holiday Club!
Great fun! Great content! Great big answers to prayer!
‘itruth’ Youth Mission
‘itruth’ Youth Mission @ Duncan Road Church. Southampton. UK.
Ivor Cooper and the team from Myton Church, Warwick led the mission and it as great to see young people making their decision to follow Christ – please pray for us as we follow them up!