Archive for September, 2013
National Secular Society
Fame at last – did you know ‘Counties‘ are famous (depending on your view for the right or wrong reason) for being named as an organisation that the National Secular Society is “concerned about”? See –

“Pray for us, for our conscience is clear and we want to live honourably in everything we do.” (The Bible: Hebrews 13:18 New Living Translation)
The Holy Spirit is Given
The Holy Spirit is Given – Acts chapter 2 verses 1-13 – sermon by Gordon Curley

(PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email:
Great start this morning at Sarisbury Green Junior School, Southampton. The children listened intently as I shared the story of the lost son (Luke chapter 15)
Tonight an evangelistic Quiz Evening at Manor Road Evangelical Church, Guildford – lots of friends and relatives of the Church members have promised to come along. Please pray for them as they hear something of the good news of Jesus!

Evangelists Conference
in good company @ the Bristol Evangelists Conference (Sat 21st to Mon 23rd Sept)

as well as reporting on the work in Hampshire, it is a chance to take in some lectures and bible teaching!
They’ve arrived! Aline (Germany), Fiona (USA), Katie (Canada), Rachel (N. Ireland) and Yasmin (Somerset). They are all settling in at Tilsley College, enjoying study and lectures…..and in their spare time being the FirstServe Spice Girls!
FirstServe is a dynamic Christian gap year programme for 18-25 year olds. It is great to be part of the steering group for this project and to encourage young people to develop their gifts and skills in service for Jesus Christ!
Weekly Clubs
The weekly ‘Kids Klubs’ & ‘Youth Clubs’ have restarted at Duncan Road Church after the summer holidays.
Great to have most of ‘Youth Club’ wanting to come and help at ‘Kids Klub’, although this can provide a problem as we find ourselves ‘inventing’ jobs for them to do!
It has been a real encouragement over the past twelve months to see quite a number of young people from the Youth Club come to faith, please pray for them as they are nurtured and followed up!
Come and Worship
Come and Worship – Psalm 95 – sermon by Gordon Curley

(PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email:
By Faith or By Sight
By Faith or By Sight – Psalm 11 – sermon by Gordon Curley

(PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email: