Archive for March, 2014
Great time this morning at Pinehurst Community Church. It is always encouraging when individuals let you know your message was just for them or just what they needed

Sermon: Psalm 1
The Net @ Costa Coffee
Not sure when I will nod off to sleep tonight after an overload of coffee, but a great night at ‘The Net’ at Costa’s with Singer/Songwriter Phil Overton & Speaker Ivor Cooper… and of course a room full of men! Please pray for the many unChurched men who were there!
RW: “Totally agree. Both Phil and Ivor were excellent. Really enjoyed it.”
JC: “Great night, great music and lyrics too!”
‘The Net’ is usually held on the second Tuesday of the month from 8.00pm to 10.00pm.
It is an inter-church event for men.

Counties Day Conference
The Counties Day Conference was a real success at the weekend. One supporter said: “We thought it was an excellent time of fellowship, good teaching/worship and a reminder of the importance of the Gospel and those on the front line day by day.”
Another person said: “He rocked, I could have listened to him all day”

Rousing & heartfelt preaching from Gavin Calver (Youth For Christ) and a chance to catch up with friends old and new!
The Spread of the Nations
The Spread of the Nations – Genesis chapters 10&11 – sermon by Gordon Curley

(PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email: