Archive for March, 2016
Day 2 of the ‘Space Academy’ Holiday Club
Great to have a visit from Commander Tim Beake at Day 2 of the ‘Space Academy’ Holiday Club at Duncan Road Church. Southampton.
As you can see from the photos we are ready for Space: the final frontier. We are looking forward to our mission: to discover more about the God who made us and sent his Son Jesus to save us!
The Holiday club will run each day this week (Tuesday 29th March to Friday 1st April), it starts at 10.00am and finishes at 12noon.
Each day the children from school year R to year 5 will enjoy two hours of fun and excitement. A mixture of
quizzes, crafts, DVD’s, Bible stories, activities, games, competitions and a lot more!
Day 1 of the ‘Space Academy’ Holiday Club.
Day 1 of the ‘Space Academy’ Holiday Club at Duncan Road Church. Southampton. Hants. UK.
A good start with 40 energetic children joining in the singing, activities, games, competitions and a much more!
The Holiday club will run each day this week (Tuesday 29th March to Friday 1st April), it starts at 10.00am and finishes at 12noon.
Each day the children from school year R to year 5 will enjoy two hours of fun and excitement. A mixture of
quizzes, crafts, DVD’s, Bible stories, activities, games, competitions and a lot more!
‘Space Academy’ Holiday Club
10. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. Blast Off!
Another ‘Space Academy’ Holiday Club. This time the venue will be Duncan Road Church. Southampton. Hants. UK.

The Holiday club will run each day (Tuesday 29th March to Friday 1st April), it starts at 10.00am and finishes at 12noon.
Each day the children from school year R to year 5 will enjoy two hours of fun and excitement. A mixture of quizzes, crafts, DVD’s, Bible stories, activities, games, competitions and a lot more!
Encountering Jesus on the Emmaus Road
Encountering Jesus on the Emmaus Road – Luke chapter 24 verses 13-31 – sermon by Gordon Curley
PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email:
He is risen indeed!
“If Jesus rose from the dead, then you have to accept all that he said; if he didn’t rise from the dead, then why worry about any of what he said? The issue on which everything hangs is not whether or not you like his teaching but whether or not he rose from the dead.”
Timothy Keller, The Reason for God: Belief in an Age of Skepticism
In the tomb so cold they laid Him,
death its victim claimed;
powers of hell they could not hold Him-
back to life He came!
Christ is risen, (Christ is risen),
death has been conquered, (death has been conquered),
Christ is risen, (Christ is risen),
He shall reign for ever!
Hell had spent its fury on Him,
left Him crucified;
yet by blood He boldly conquered,
sin and death defied.
Christ is risen,,,,
Now the fear of death is broken,
Love has won the crown.
Prisoners of the darkness – listen,
walls are tumbling down!
Christ is risen….
Raised from death, to heaven ascending,
Love’s exalted King:
let His song of joy unending
through the nations ring!
Christ is risen….
Good Friday!
Good Friday:
The paradox of the cross:
It is a picture of violence, yet it is the key to peace.
It is a picture of suffering, yet it is the key to healing.
It is a picture of death, et it is the key to life.
It is a picture of utter weakness, yet it is the key to power.
It is a picture of capitol punishment, yet it is the key to forgiveness.
It is a picture of hatred, yet it is the key to love.
It is a picture of shame and yet the Christian’s supreme boast!
Easter opportunities!
This time of year always provides many openings to share the true meaning of Easter. A mixed bag of opportunities, from school assemblies, coffee mornings, ladies meetings, children’s & youth groups & senior citizens teas! The ages of those spoken to may be varied, as is the format & presentations, but the message is always the same: “Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures” ( The Bible: 1 Corinthians 15:3-5)
Welsh Women’s Bible Study Conference
Thank you for your prayers for Penny at the Welsh Women’s Bible Study Conference – Hebron Christian Centre. Dinas Powys. Vale of Glamorgan.
Penny spoke at 3 main sessions and also gave 2 short talks on the topic ‘A Few Taboos’ – Dealing with Doubt, Depression and Destiny!
Feedback from those who attended has been very encouraging, it is good to know that the Bible teaching and conversations had over the weekend was a help and a blessing.
Friday: Crucifixion – Matthew chapter 27 verses 32-56 – sermon by Gordon Curley
PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email:
Welsh Women’s Bible Study Conference
Please pray for Penny this weekend as she is speaking at Welsh Women’s Bible Study Conference – Hebron Christian Centre. Dinas Powys. Vale of Glamorgan.
She has 3 main talks and 2 short talks to give on the topic ‘A Few Taboos’ – Dealing with Doubt, Depression and Destiny!