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Archive for July, 2016

Family holiday

Family holiday – off somewhere hot & sunny – see you all in 2 weeks!


M.A.S.H. Update!

M.A.S.H. is held on the first and third Sunday of the month. It is an inter-church event for young people aged 16 and over.
M.A.S.H. is a mixture of activities that includes, food, ice-breaker games, DVD’s, group discussion, socials and a short talk.
All start at 8:00pm and finish at 9:30pm. Please Contact Us for dates, venue & directions.

BBQ Quiz Outreach Evening

Good News Camp Update!

Thank you to everyone who was able to join us last night for our Camp prayer & plan get together!

Praise God that Good News Camp 2016 is almost full!
We only have 1 boys place and 3 girls places available!

But we do need a few more leaders – please pray for:
1 Sports officer (& assistant).
2 Female Hut/Tent assistants.
1 male Hut/Tent assistant.
1 assistant to help with medicine administration.
1 Female Duties Officer.

Bible them: Mark’s Gospel.
Fun Theme: Space.

Please pray as we finalise the Camp programme and try to sort out ‘who’ is in which huts/tent etc.
Quite Time booklets and Camp Handbook will be emailed/posted out as soon as we fill those missing vacancies.


Venue: Lockerley Water Farm Hampshire
Dates: Sunday August 21st to Friday August 26th 2016

Financial Health


Financial Health – Luke chapter 12 verses 13-21 – sermon by Gordon Curley


PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email:

Audio Player

LIFE Expo Update

Over 400 children from 12 different schools came and experienced the Exhibition.

Several schools have emailed through their thanks.

Comments included:

· Great organization and hospitality.

· Nice, short concise presentations. They all seemed engaged and enthusiastic. A great way to spread the word.

· High quality resources, good briefings, clear message. Excellent!

· All staff were accommodating, friendly and good with children.

· This was an amazing experience for our children. The staff were so kind and really were at the children’s level. Short, sharp, sweet but lessons that will go deeper than you can imagine!

Training evening for Life Expo workers

Training evening for Life Expo workers – this venue we have ‘The Grey-Haired Brigade’ – great to work alongside these enthusiastic volunteers!

Setting up The LIFE Expo

The LIFE Exhibition is a multi-media experience which focuses on the life of Jesus, and aims to:

Help visitors understand what Christians believe about Jesus.
Enable questioning and exploration of the life of Jesus.
Encourage visitors to consider his impact in today’s world.
Allow visitors to think for themselves about the teachings of Jesus.
Build on existing links between schools and local churches.

Relational Health

TRANSFORMED – How God Changes Us

Relational Health – Mark chapter 12 verses 29-30 – sermon by Gordon Curley


PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email:

Audio Player