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Archive for September, 2017

Food Glorious Food!

A weekend of 5 food based events, men’s breakfast, harvest suppers, services and lunches as well as a Church tea – fighting off those calories – great opportunities for sharing the gospel!


It has been good this week to do some ‘ground work’ regarding the LIFE Expo’s visit to Hampshire in 2018.
I will be involved in two visits of the Expo, these will be inter-Church events, one in the city and one with village scools in the countryside. The recruitment of volunteers and the contacting of schools has now begun!

Dates: February Monday 19th to Friday 23rd 2018
Venue: St. Paul’s Sarisbury Green SO31 7BG

Dates: July Monday 2nd to Friday 6th 2018
Venue: Hampshire Christian Trust, Lockerley Water Farm, Lockerley. SO51 0LW

The LIFE Expo is a great resource that brings Churches together in their outreach and presents the gospel so many school children.

Good News Camp DVD 2017

Jesus is…

Jesus is… – Colossians chapter 1 verses 15-20 – sermon by Gordon Curley

PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email:

Audio Player

Our Actions Have Consequences!

Our Actions Have Consequences – Exodus chapter 22 verses 1-15 – sermon by Gordon Curley

PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email:

Audio Player

FirstServe Update!

Thank you for praying for Jen, Alex and Annalise. They arrived safely in Scotland and have now started their studies at Tilsley Bible College. Please pray that during their 4 weeks there their relationship with the Lord will deepen and they will each be better prepared for the next phase of their FirstServe experience. Pray too that the jet lag wouldn’t last too long for Jen and Annalise!

Sarah (below) has completed her time on the FirstServe programme and is now studying at Tilsley College for the next year. Please keep her in your prayers as she looks to the Lord for guidance in the months ahead.

FirstServe is a unique discipleship and missions programme, primarily for 18-25 year-olds on a gap year, or those with a shorter time available.

Gordon is part of the FistServe Steering Group.

Abraham’s Call

Abraham’s Call – Genesis chapter 12 verses 1-9 – sermon by Gordon Curley

PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email:

Audio Player

FirstServe Update!

Please pray for Jen, Annalise and Alex as they start their FirstServe experience this weekend ?. Pray for safe travels for Jen and Annalise, who leave the U.S. today, and for Alex who travels from Northern Ireland tomorrow; also that the Lord would impact their lives for His glory during their time on the programme. Pictures will follow soon ?. Jen Braun Annalise Marie Blank Alex Hastings

FirstServe is a unique discipleship and missions programme, primarily for 18-25 year-olds on a gap year, or those with a shorter time available.

Gordon is part of the FistServe Steering Group.

A New Creation

A New Creation – 2 Corinthians chapter 5 verses 11-21 – sermon by Gordon Curley

PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email:

Audio Player

Encouraging news

“Cast your bread upon the waters, for you will find it after many days.”
(The Bible: Ecclesiastes chapter 11 verse 1)

20 years ago a teenager trusted Christ on a houseparty that I spoke on in Dorset, I was blissfully unaware of that moment. Encouraging to hear news tonight that; (1). He was saved. (2). He has this week been appointed Pastor of a near by Church!