Archive for February, 2018
The LIFE Expo was recently hosted at St. Paul’s Barnes Lane, Sarisbury Green Southampton (February 2018) and was an inter-Church project organised by the Western Wards Church Network.
685 children visited the Expo from 5 local schools
27 volunteer helpers from 7 local Churches made up the team
567 Gospels of Luke were taken home by pupils

LIFE Expo Final Update!
his past week on The LIFE Exhibition has been a great success – thank you for your support.
685 children visited the Expo from 5 local schools
27 volunteer helpers from 7 local Churches made up the team
567 Gospels of Luke were taken home by pupils
The schools that attended were:
Monday: Park Gate Primary School
Tuesday: St John The Baptist School
Wednesday: Sarisbury Green Junior School
Thursday: Hook-with-Warsash School
Friday: Locks Heath Junior School
Please keep praying for the schools and the offer of follow up help and resources – thank you once again for your support.
‘From Darkness to Light’ (Gospel Talk)
‘From Darkness to Light’ (Gospel Talk) – John chapter 9 – sermon by Gordon Curley
PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email:
Jesus on Trial
Jesus on Trial – John chapter 18 verses 19-24 & 28-40 – sermon by Gordon Curley
PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email:
LIFE Expo Final Report
Dates: February Monday 19th to Friday 23rd 2018
Venue: St. Paul’s Barnes Lane, Sarisbury Green SO31 7BG
The LIFE Expo at St. Paul’s
Looking forward to leading The LIFE Expo at St. Paul’s Barnes Lane, Sarisbury Green, Southampton this week, where it will be visited by five local schools (Yr 5 & Yr 6 classes).
Monday – Park Gate Primary
Tuesday – St John’s Junior
Wednesday – Sarisbury Junior
Thursday – Hook with Warsash Academy
Friday – Locks Heath Junior
The Life Exhibition is a multi-media experience designed for primary school children which complements and works alongside existing RE teaching. Using interactive tablets, QR codes, graphics, quizzes, films, songs and a discussion café, Life helps children learn – in just over one hour – about the story of Jesus and his relevance today. The exhibition is FREE to schools thanks to the sponsorship of local churches and Counties. It is aimed at KS2 children, although sessions can be shortened to include children in YR3. It visits an average of 20 towns or cities per year and unpacks into a public hall or church building, where children from several local schools can come in to be hosted each week.
Visit the official ‘LIFE’ website:
This event is an inter-Church project run by the Fareham Western Wards Church Network.
‘The Big Top’ Holiday Club
Great end to the week at Swanfield Chapel. Chichester Holiday Club with numbers rising to a steady 86 children over the last few days!
This years fun theme was ‘The Big Top.’ Each day we focused on some of the awesome stories of the Bible: Strong man Samson, escape artist Jonah, fire eater Elijah, lion-tamer Daniel and the Ringmaster Moses.