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Archive for July, 2018

Out of Office!

Back on 5th August!

Noah’s Ark Toddlers and Babies group

School Assembly

Final school assembly of this term before the summer holidays.

Great to have links in the community with local schools and always a pleasure to share with these children a little of what Christians believe.


A good day yesterday at the Church BBQ, always a good opportunity to ‘draw in’ folks on the fringe of the Church as we seek to help them come to know Christ.

The Fruit of Forgiveness

The Fruit of Forgiveness – Luke chapter 7 verses 36-50 – Sermon by Gordon Curley

PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email:

Audio Player

How Can a God of Love Send People to Hell?

How Can a God of Love Send People to Hell? John chapter 3 verses 16 – Sermon by Gordon Curley

Audio Player

Jesus & John the Baptist

Jesus & John the Baptist – Luke chapter 7 verses 18-35 – Sermon by Gordon Curley

PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email:

Audio Player

LIFE Expo – Lockerley