Archive for November, 2018
Ladies Caft Night
Always good to see friends inviting friends to this ‘bridge-building’ event.
Moldovan Mission 2018 Photo Highlights
During the week the team of 7 evangelists shared the gospel with 623 F.R.A.N.K.S. (F.R.A.N.K.S stands for Friends Relatives And Next of Kin – local believers have been praying for these people for the last three months). 249 F.R.A.N.K.S. prayed prayers of commitment.
Met some great people, have some great memories, shared some great news about a great God!
November: 10th-20th: Moldovan Mission
Moldova Mission Day 9 – 2018
Moldova Mission Day 9 – 2018
Mark McCormick (Moldovan Mission CEO):
“Our final meeting of the mission week took place on Monday when Dave Jacklin gave his testimony (included how Treasures in the snow was instrumental in him receiving Jesus) and then Gordon preached on the 10 Lepers – all different people but with one thing in common – leprosy – just as we are all different but have one thing in common – sin. He followed with an appeal and 9 responded. During the week 623 Franks had the gospel shared with them and 249 prayed prayers of commitment.”
Psalm 130 – Forgiveness (with Moldovan/Romanian language translation)
Psalm 130 – with God there is forgiveness – sermon by Gordon Curley & Moldovan/Romanian language Translator Ina Buzila
PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email:
Audio PlayerMoldova Mission Day 6 – 2018
Moldova Mission Day 6 in the village of Moscovei (Moscow) a Russian speaking area of Moldova.
Only one meeting today, we should have had three but due to a funeral two meetings were cancelled.
It was good to pop in and meet the pupils at an after school children’s club, and teach them two verses of the song ‘God is good to me, God is good to me, he holds my hand, he helps me stand, God is good to me’. I may not have been in tune but at least I got the actions right!