Archive for July, 2019
CYE Update
A cooler day to finish off my stint at CYE – 3 activity days for the twenty children/youth who attended and 3 lunchtime talks from myself. Always harder to stand up before a group and go straight in without any prelims, but they listened and responded well.
Great facilities at CYE and a great team of staff and volunteers to work with!
Hawthorne Court Nursing Home
Always a good time at Hawthorne Court nursing home, Southampton. Great to see so many residents awake and active and looking forward to the morning service. One lady was in tears and full of gratitude, she had been waiting for months before she was well enough to attend.
Thanks to my team of helpers Penny & Hannah (duet), Boaz (kids song… well almost, shyness got the better of him!) and Nathaniel with Gingerbread the hobby-horse, who stole the show and got a round of applause every time he ran up and down the middle of the room. Just wondering if I might try that next time I preach!
A Demanding Widow
A Demanding Widow – Luke chapter 18 verses 1-8 – sermon by Gordon Curley
(PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email:
Knowing Where You Are…Knowing What You Are Doing?
Knowing Where You Are…Knowing What You Are Doing? – Luke chapter 17 verses 20-37 – sermon by Gordon Curley
(PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email:
Good News Camp Update!
Good News Camp Update!
Good news Camp is filling up fast, we still have a few spaces for both boys and girls!

We ask prayer for:
• Unity & balance in the team – we have a variety of helpers with different backgrounds and experience– pray that we will all complement each other in our various roles.
• For Gordon as he prepares talks from John’s gospel for this year’s Camp.
• For a good time spiritually – that the week will be marked with conversions and spiritual growth.
• Health & safety – accidents do happen – pray with us that any accident/health issue will be insignificant and handled well!
• For those helpers who have promised to be involved but have yet to book in.
• Please pray for those extra team helpers: 1 male hut leader.