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Moldova Day 4

Day 4 – three very different meetings today.

Meeting #1: a traditional house meeting with folk squeezed into a conservatory. lots of singing by the ladies of the Church and a good response to the gospel.

Meeting #2: a Church meeting full of adults & kids, Steve shared the message and concluded with a simple childrens talk, great to report that both both kids and adults responded.

Meeting #3: a youth meeting (no-one told us in advance!) but great to see so many young people streaming into the basement hall. We had disturbance with people leaving and then coming back in and also from 5 lads and 2 girls but eventually they calmed down.
I spoke and at the appeal just as I was about to make it one of the young men got up out of his seat and walked up to me, for a minute I thought he was going to punch me but to my surprise he just stood there looking at me, when questioned what he was doing, he replied, “I am here to repent!” so I invited anyone else who wanted to repent to join us at the front, two other young adults came forward and prayed to receive Christ – a ‘holy’ moment that quieted the room and gave witness to the power of God at work.
Thank you for your prayers on occasions like these when there are so many distractions going on and you know that you are in a spiritual battle, your prayers are making a difference!

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