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School Assembly (x2)

School assembly (x2) at Sarisbury Junior School.

This week, one theme: for three very different talks

Talk: Be on the winning team! Jesus calls us to ‘follow him.’

Believe it or not, British football itself was shaped in the 19th century by a movement called ‘Muscular Christianity’ encouraging the game for its social and physical benefits. And to win young men for the church.

Churches and Sunday schools founded some of today’s premier league clubs like Everton (St Domingo’s Methodist Church), Manchester City (St. Mark’s Anglican Church), Southampton (St Mary’s) and Celtic (Catholic St. Mary’s Church Hall, Glasgow)”.

Hymns like Abide with Me, Swing low sweet chariot and When the saints go marching in are still a traditional part of the British football scene.

Football, like many other parts of European life, has been shaped by gospel truth more than we realise.

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