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Today at Speakers Corner

Speakers Corner. Hyde Park. London.


I do love the banter at Speakers Corner, at times it’s like a pantomime, other times like a debating society but it should never be a place of violence!

Leading up to today’s fun and games have been several weeks where another flag was stolen (Police did nothing), the same man returned the following week to kick a Christian (Police did nothing), even though there were eye witnesses and video recordings of the attacks, so surprise, surprise when certain people think they can behave anyway they like at the corner without repercussions.
Interestingly, that it is the day after the political event in London attracting a crowd of 40,000 where the Police were accused of double-standards/two-tier policing, that 2 people from the religion of peace finally got arrested, a coincidence I am sure.
Me thinks these could be the first of many arrests over the next few weeks in the park.

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