Archive for October, 2024
MM Blog #1:
MM 2024 Blog #1:
Counties Hampshire is in Cahul District.
A long day but we are settled into our accommodation and looking forward to tomorrow!
The day started well when at Luton airport a Moldovan man overheard us talking and decided to join in the conversation, a chance to witness before we even boarded the plane!
Chaos in Chișinău as due to fog six planes were all circling and waiting for permission to land, when permission was granted, all six planes landed within minutes of each other, and so the scramble was on to get through the six passport control booths!
A bumpy drive to Cahul in beautiful sunshine was uneventful but seemed to be long, and here we are unpacked and raring to go,
Please pray for Jamie, he has back problems and he is in pain this evening, the room stinks of deep heat which hopefully will ease his pain and free up any blocked nostrils we might have – lol
Thanks for your interest in my ramblings and your prayers for the mission.
Living the Passion conference.
And there off! Penny, Kathy & Sue P all heading off to the Living the Passion conference. A weekend of Bible teaching, seminars, fellowship, And there off! Penny, Kathy & Sue P all heading off to the Living the Passion conference.
A weekend of Bible teaching, seminars, fellowship, worship, theatre, children’s programme, refreshments, etc. With guest speaker Rico Tice.
Organised by Church Growth Trust, Counties, Echoes International and GLO a combined conference, which aims to fan the flames of passion for sharing the gospel in the UK.
Venue: Yarnfield Park Training and Conference Centre. Staffordshire.
Prayer Requests for the Moldovan Mission 2024
We would value your prayers for the 10 day gospel preaching mission – what are we up to? Hopefully this post will explain all!
The team is made up of Myself & Jamie Broadey (from England) and we will meet up with Mark McCormick (Moldovan Mission) and Igor (Moldovan Evangelist).
The ten day mission is organised by Mark McCormick of The Moldovan Mission. The mission starts Sunday 27th October and we are due to fly back on Tuesday the 5th November.
We will fly from Luton and arrive into Chisinau International Airport on Saturday evening and travel to our base in Cahul, a city in southern Moldova.
Cahul is 112 miles, about two & half hours car travelling from the airport.
Our programme for the day is often given to us each morning, we only know that on Sunday we will be preaching in at least one Church (maybe more) and we do house meetings, the three teams will visit 3 villages per day and we will hold 4 to 6 house meetings per day where we will be able to share/preach the gospel.
The mission is a planned FRANK mission (FRANK is an acronym for the believers unsaved Friends Relatives Associates Neighbours and Kids).
The believers pray every day for 12 individual FRANKs for 12 weeks asking God to draw them to Christ and also to open a door for them to make friends with their FRANKs and they will have invited them to attend the outreach meetings in their homes.
·Health (bed bugs, COVID, etc).
·Safety (bad roads & mad drivers).
·Energy (4-6 meetings per day).
·Guidance & flexibility over what to preach on.
·Translators, who are vitally important.
·Hearers to turn to Christ in repentance & faith.
School Assembly
A return visit to my favourite infant school (actually my only infant school”! I normally take assemblies in Júnior & Primary Schools).
What: Assembly:
Where: Marchwood Infant School. Southampton. Hants.
Theme: Harvest.
Marchwood Infant School was first contacted with the Counties ‘Key to Life’ Expo in 2023 and this has opened up a regular opportunity to take assemblies.
Shine on Me!
‘Shine on me!’ – Numbers chapter 6 verses 22-27 – sermon by Gordon Curley

(PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email:
Buy Me a Coffee: CLICK HERE

TWR – Making Jesus known through the local Church.
Podcast: Making Jesus known through the local Church.
Interviewer: Martin Erwin
Contributions from: Tim Cracknell and Gordon & Penny Curley
Podcast link: >CLICK HERE
Catch the series on TWR UK: CLICK HERE
When: Saturday and Sunday.
Time: 3.10pm
Podcast Series: Making Jesus known today and tomorrow.
These podcasts are based on the book, ‘Making Jesus Known Today and Tomorrow.’
The book focuses on how this unchanging gospel can be presented to greatest effect in the twenty-first century in a wide variety of contexts. Above all, it intends to be practical-to help all Christians, and all local congregations, to see people of all ages converted and growing themselves as effective disciple-making Christians.
The book is a project of Counties, an organisation which came into being 125 years ago, to support local evangelists who at the time were seeing remarkable success in planting local congregations across England and Wales. Today, it supports over forty evangelists, encourages local churches in evangelism, and engages in church planting.
A number of today’s Counties Evangelists are contributors to the book, together with Martin Erwin (CEO, Counties) and Stephen McQuoid (a trustee of Counties and General Director of GLO Europe, a similar association promoting the mission of the gospel in wider Europe).
Order your copy from the Counties website:
‘Not Ashamed!’ (gospel message) – Romans chapter 1 verse 16
‘Not Ashamed!’ (gospel message) – Romans chapter 1 verse 16 – sermon by Gordon Curley

(PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email:
Buy Me a Coffee: CLICK HERE