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The GLO Team

Looking forward to working with and organising a busy week of activities with the GLO Team.

They will be taking all the Church services at Duncan Road Church this Sunday 9th February & also Sunday 16th February – Come along and Meet The Team: Gareth Armstrong, Catrina Stanfield, Tom Binding, Naomi Gibson, Matteo Garofano.

As well as taking Sunday services they will be involved in everything else that goes on at the Church, as well as visiting local schools and care homes.
They will also be delivering 1,000 copies of the Good News newspaper in the community and we might even squeeze in a few ‘extras’ for them to do!

Who are the GLO Team?

The GLO Team (Gospel Literature Outreach) are students from, Tilsley CollegeTilsley College Motherwell, Scotland. They will be on a weeks placement at DRC to gain experience in local Church evangelism.


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