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BBHP 2024 – Day 1

‘BodyBuilders’ Houseparty 2024

‘BodyBuilders’ Houseparty 2024 starts tonight at 7.30pm.

We will be squeezed, squashed, stuffed, scrunched, packed, compressed and jammed into various rooms at our Church venue.

We are planning to invade The Llittledown Centre – in the swimming pool can anyone beat The Moose on the Crusher Assault Course?

In Swanage it’s sunshine and ice-cream, drooling at the very thought of it!

A night-time hike over Hengistbury Head Nature Reserve.

And to top it all off our last activity of the weekend a visit to Avon Heath Country Park!

I am shattered just looking at the programme for the bank holiday weekend!

Then throw in a great team of helpers, a little bit of chill time, some Bible teaching from yours truly and some indoor games activities, and of course plenty of good food, food that can only be described as “beyond delicious.”

Me thinks it all adds up to one unforgettable weekend!

BodyBuilders Houseparty starts today!

BodyBuilders Houseparty starts today! (Fri to Monday) – Please Pray:

 Praise God for a good number of youth and leaders (43 onsite).
 Praise God for a great team of volunteer helpers.
 Please pray unity, when young people get tired, problems arise!
 Please pray for safety as we travel around Dorset for a variety of activities.
 Praise God for the freedom we have to run this type of weekend in the UK.
 Please pray for health, we are squeezed into our venue, space is limited and a bug or an illness can ruin a good weekend!
 please pray for spiritual blessing (conversions and growth in believers).
 Please pray for GC as he preaches and leads the main three sessions.

Today at Speakers Corner.

Evangelism @ Speakers Corner. Hyde Park. London.

Evangelism @ Speakers Corner. Hyde Park. London.

“I shake but my rock moves not!” – Charles Spurgeon

Speakers Corner in London’s Hyde Park is the oldest free speech platform in the world. People won the right to speak in mass protests in the 1860s and early 1870s. Some people believe the tradition is connected to the right of the condemned to a last speech before being hung at the Tyburn gallows, a practice that stopped at the end of the 18th century. Every Sunday people from all sorts of convictions come to Hyde Park in the afternoon to spead their message or to have fun.

Preaching Today…

Preaching Today…

Activity: Morning Service (Believers Baptism) 11.15am.
Venue: Manor Road Evangelical Church. Guildford GU2 9NR.
Subject: “God Meets Us Where We Are”
Bible Reading: Acts chapter 8 verses 35-39

We’re almost there!

It has been good this week to finalise most of the planning for this years ‘BodyBuilders’ Houseparty.

With 7 days to go I still have three main talks (& sessions) on the Psalms to complete.

 Problems: Psalm 5
 Perseverence: Psalm 13
 Praising: Psalm 150

Please Pray:

 Praise God for a good number of youth (Campers).
 Praise God for a great team of volunteer helpers.
 Please pray unity, when young people get tired, problems arise!
 Please pray for safety as we travel around Dorset for a variety of activities.
 Praise God for the freedom we have to run this type of weekend in the UK.
 Please pray for health, we are squeezed into our venue, space is limited and a bug or an illness can ruin a good weekend!
 please pray for spiritual blessing (conversions and growth in believers).

The Queen of Sheba

The Queen of Sheba: ‘Curiosity Satisfied’ 1 Kings chapter 10 verses 1-13 – MP3 Audio sermon by Gordon Curley

(PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email:


Queen of Sheba: Stories With Purpose! Luke chapter 11 verses 33-36– MP3 Audio sermon by Gordon Curley

(PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email:


Preaching Today…

Preaching Today…

Venue: Cannon Court Evangelical Church, Fetcham. KT22 9LE.

Morning Service 11.30am.
Topic: ‘Curiosity Satisfied’ (The Queen of Sheba).
Bible Reading: 1 Kings chapter 10 verses 1-13

Evening Service 6.30pm:
Topic: Stories With Purpose!
Bible Reading: Luke chapter 11 verses 33-36

Today at Speakers Corner

Speakers Corner. Hyde park. London.