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This Saturday Real Lives on YouTube
SATURDAY 24 February at 20:00.
Plase pray, I will be donig the short talk at the end of this interview!
Graham grew up in a Christian home, believed from an early age and went along to church. After university he joined the BBC and was married soon after. He soon found himself rising through the ranks, eventually became producer of the BBC2’s breakfast show working with Chris Evans and Zoe Ball. He loved the work but has moved on to other things now.
It was when expecting their first child that Graham hit a crisis in his life. He started to question everything that he had grown up believing.
Join Roger Carswell in conversation with Graham as he shares about growing up, life in the BBC and all that happened when he hit the crisis in his faith.
To watch: CLICK HERE
What a great time at Hawthorne Court
Wow! What a great time at Hawthorne Court this morning. We had 8 residents (with only 1 asleep) and 2 members of staff, everyone really enetered into all that took place. The theme was Psalm 23 and I took along ‘Shaun the Sheep’ as a visual aid to help illustrate my talk. One of the residents came in with a stuffed dog, so we had some great banter between the two creatures and the listening to the talky bits was some of the best I have known at HC.
We also had some of the best singing from the residents that I can remember.
Hymn: The Lord is my Shepherd (traditional).
Sunday School song: Jesus love is very wonderful.
Hymn: Dear Lord and Father of mankind.
Please pray in the seed/word that was sown, may it bring to faith and comfort those who have faith in the Living God.
Hawthorne Court nursing home.
Monthly visit to Hawthorne Court nursing home. Southampton
It is good to be are able to hold a short Christian service for some of the patients. We enjoy a short catch-up time with our regulars who come along and also the members of staff who join in enthusiastically, especially when we teach an old Sunday School song.
Hawthorne Court specialises in dementia care.
Todays Theme: Palm 23
“Please can I have a Bible?”
The highlight of the day was a good chat with a Moroccan Moslem who had genuine questions and asked for a Bible which we were able to pass on to him.
Evangelism at Speakers Corner.
Evangelism at Speakers Corner.
“Ignorant men raise questions that wise men answered a thousand years ago.” – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Speakers Corner in London’s Hyde Park is the oldest free speech platform in the world. People won the right to speak in mass protests in the 1860s and early 1870s. Some people believe the tradition is connected to the right of the condemned to a last speech before being hung at the Tyburn gallows, a practice that stopped at the end of the 18th century. Every Sunday people from all sorts of convictions come to Hyde Park in the afternoon to spead their message or to have fun.
Holiday Club @ Swanfield Chapel. Chirchester.
Thanks for your prayers re: Holiday Club at Swanfield Chapel. Chichester.
Fun Theme – Explorers at the North/South Pole.
Teaching theme – Various New Testament characters.
*Expedition #1: Never too many mistakes: Simon Peter.
*Expedition #2: Never too ordinary: Stephen.
*Expedition #3: Never too bad: Saul of Tarsus.
*Expedition #4: Never too young: Timothy.
A smaller than number of chiuldren on day #1: Tuesday (20 kids) compared top previous years, but then the numbers increased with just over 30 children each day.
It wasa real encouragement to have contact with some new families, it would be great to see some of them on Sunday morning at the All-Age Service.
Starting today… Polar Explorers Holiday Club i
Starting today…
Polar Explorers Holiday Club is a 4-day fun event for children aged 4–11 years (school years Reception to Year 6) run by volunteers from Swanfield Chapel, Chichester. We start at 10.00am and finsih at 12noon.
Two hours of fun, games, Bible stories, competitions, DVD’s, songs and much more!
With the help of Sir Random Finds and Bare Feet, the children are explorers who go on a mini-expedition each day and learn about a New Testament character. Through the lives of these people, they learn that no one is too anything to be part of God’s big expedition, that is, to be a friend of Jesus and go out and help other people be friends of Jesus too.
Full House at BB
Always great to see a ‘full House’ at BodyBuilders inter-Church Youth Event.
Such a good atmosphere with the way the younger kids and older youth mix together and take part.
Really good listening to the talk on the book of Daniel. Tonight, we had reached chapter 5, ‘The Writings on the Wall.’
Thanks to the team for ice-breaker games, World Focus, Tuck Shop and general help.
‘Body Builders’ Extra is also proving to meet a need, with 8 older teenagers arriving early to enjoy a Bible study and comsume some Pizza. Thanks to the team of helpers who run this!