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Muslim; “If you are going to provoke people you are goping to get punched. deal with it!”

More trouble at Speakers Corner, missed this incident by 20mins (arrived early and 4 hours later decided to leave earlier than usual).

Sadly it is becoming a weekly event and the Police absent as usual, even though these incidents are reported and video evidence given, still no officers present and no action taken!
Speakers corner is fast becoming Sharia Corner, where the religion of peace (lol) can do whatever they want!

Muslim; “If you are going to provoke people you are going to get punched. deal with it!” – Speakers Corner, the oldest living free speech platform in the world. Dec 31st 2023.

I might not agree with Shalini’s way of discrediting Islamic ideology and their false prophet, at times she needs to show a bit of wisdom and restraint, but I stand with her 100% at Speakers Corner to say whatever she wants #freespeach!

Counties Hampshire is at Speakers Corner, Hyde Park.

Counties Hampshire is at Speakers Corner, Hyde Park.

Always a quick stop and nod towards David Livingstone as I walk past his staue on the way to Speakers Corner – what man! what a life! what an example!

“The spirit of Missions is the spirit of our Master: the very genius of His religion. A diffusive philanthropy is Christianity itself. It requires perpetual propagation to attest its genuineness.”
― David Livingstone, The Last Journals of David Livingstone, in Central Africa, from 1865 to His Death: 1869-1873

Speakers Corner in London’s Hyde Park is the oldest free speech platform in the world. People won the right to speak in mass protests in the 1860s and early 1870s. Some people believe the tradition is connected to the right of the condemned to a last speech before being hung at the Tyburn gallows, a practice that stopped at the end of the 18th century. Every Sunday people from all sorts of convictions come to Hyde Park in the afternoon to spead their message or to have fun.

Christmas Greetings from the Curley’s 2024

Christmas Greetings from the Curley’s 2024
A Christmas Poem by Steve Turner

Thank you for your prayers and support, they are very muchg appreciated!

‘The most unthinkable event in human history’

‘The most unthinkable event in human history’1 Timothy chapter 1 verses 15 – sermon by Gordon Curley

(PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email:


Bad King, Pseudo-Kings & The True king!

‘Bad King, Pseudo-Kings & The True king!’Matthew chapter 2 verses 1-12 – sermon by Gordon Curley

(PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email:


Preaching today…

Preaching today…

Venue: Duncan Road Church. SO31 1BD
Activity: Morning Service
Time: 10.30am
Subject: ‘The king’s adoration’
Bible Passage: Matthew chapter 2 verses 1-12
Speaker: Gordon Curley
YouTube Livestream: CLICK HERE

Venue: Duncan Road Church. SO31 1BD
Activity: Carol Service
Time: 10.30am
Subject: ‘The most unthinkable event in human history’
Bible Passage: 1 Timothy chapter 1 verses 15
Speaker: Gordon Curley
YouTube Livestream: CLICK HERE

An unpublished poem by D.A. Carson

An unpublished poem by D.A. Carson.

“Before there was a universe,
Before a star or planet,
When time had still not yet begun —
I scarcely understand it —

Th’ eternal Word was with his God,
God’s very Self-Expression.
Th’ eternal Word was God himself —
And God had planned redemption.

The Word became our flesh and blood —
The stuff of his creation —
The Word was God, the Word was flesh,
Astounding incarnation!

But when he came to visit us,
We did not recognize him.
Although we owed him everything
We haughtily despised him.

In days gone by God showed himself
In grace and truth to Moses.
But in the Word of God made flesh
Their climax he discloses.

For grace and truth in fullness came
And showed the Father’s glory
When Jesus donned our flesh and died:
This is the gospel story.

All who delighted in his name,
All those who did receive him,
All who by grace were born of God,
All who in truth believed him —

To them he gave a stunning right:
Becoming God’s dear children!
Here will I stay in grateful trust.
Here will I fix my vision.

Before there was a universe,
Before a star or planet,
When time had still not yet begun —
I scarcely understand it —

Th’ eternal Word was with his God,
God’s very Self-Expression;
Th’ eternal Word was God himself —
And God had planned redemption.”

Christmas Opportunities!

Today and tomorrow provide opportunities to share the message of Jesus in two Residential Care Homes.
Today: Hawthorne Court. 112.00am
Tommorow: Hamble Heights. 2.00pm
A joy to share the good news of Christmas with residents and staff.

Sunshine & Conversation

Speakers Corner. Hyde Park. London

One-to-One evangelism @ Speakers Corner

One-to-One evangelism @ Speakers Corner. Hye Park. London

“Let’s chew on the chewables!” ― Pawan Mishra

Speakers Corner in London’s Hyde Park is the oldest free speech platform in the world. People won the right to speak in mass protests in the 1860s and early 1870s. Some people believe the tradition is connected to the right of the condemned to a last speech before being hung at the Tyburn gallows, a practice that stopped at the end of the 18th century. Every Sunday people from all sorts of convictions come to Hyde Park in the afternoon to spead their message or to have fun.