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Pray for Sami

One-to-One evangelism @ Speakers Corner. Hyde Park. London.

Preaching today…

Preaching today…

Activity: Morning Service
Venue: Shirrell Heath Methodist Church. SO32 2JN
Time: 10.30am
Subject: ‘God Only!’ – sermon by Gordon Curley
Bible Passage: Psalm 62
Speaker: Gordon Curley

A new book that is hot off the press!

Don’t miss out on this new book that is hot off the press – a number of today’s Counties Evangelists are contributors to the book, check out chapter 6 written by The Curley’s.

According to J.John (Evangelist. Philo Trust) , Rachel Jordan-Wolf (Executive Director. HOPE Together) & Rico Tice (Christianity Explored Ministries), it’s a jolly good read!

What are they are saying about Making Jesus Known Today and Tomorrow:

This is an excellent and helpful resource on sharing Jesus with our world. It is comprehensive in its scope, contemporary in its outlook and, above a/I, challenging in its enthusiasm!

J.John (Evangelist. Philo Trust),

How wonderful to find a current book on evangelism written by those who are passionate evangelists and church planters. We need their inspiration and practice to encourage the church of today back to making evangelism central. The simple last words of Jesus ring through this book calling us to “go” and keep “going”.

Rachel Jordan-Wolf (Executive Director. HOPE Together)

In a world of COVID, Climate Change, Economic Crisis, Conflict in Europe, and Congregations reduced by a third, my job as an evangelist remains ‘to prepare God’s people for works of service’ (Eph. 4: 12). This book is incredibly timely, full of wisdom on the great biblical themes of Integrity, Sovereignty and Creativity in evangelism. It is a Godsend.

Rico Tice (Christianity Explored Ministries)

Making Jesus Known Today and Tomorrow

Making Jesus Known Today and Tomorrow is born of the belief that Britain and Ireland need the gospel of Christ as much today as ever, if not more so.

The book focuses on how this unchanging gospel can be presented to greatest effect in the twenty-first century in a wide variety of contexts. Above all, it intends to be practical-to help all Christians, and all local congregations, to see people of all ages converted and growing themselves as effective disciple-making Christians.

The book is a project of Counties, an organisation which came into being 125 years ago, to support local evangelists who at the time were seeing remarkable success in planting local congregations across England and Wales. Today, it supports over forty evangelists, encourages local churches in evangelism, and engages in church planting.

A number of today’s Counties Evangelists are contributors to the book, together with Martin Erwin (CEO, Counties) and Stephen McQuoid (a trustee of Counties and General Director of GLO Europe, a similar association promoting the mission of the gospel in wider Europe).

For further information about Counties. visit the website: CLICK HERE

ISBN 978-1-73912-831-9

Hampshire Counties Evening – 16th October 2023

Hampshire Counties Evening – 16th October 2023

Catch up or watch again and see what God has been doing through ‘Counties’ in Hampshire…. Good News Camp » Key to Life » Speakers Corner » Moldova » Family News » Future plans! Plus all the latest news from Gordon & Penny Curley

Today at Speakers Corner

Speakers Corner. Hyde Park. London.

Preaching this morning…

Where: West End Chapel. St Annes Grove, Fareham PO14 1JX
When: Time: 10.00am
What: Acts chapter 2 verses 14-41
Subject: ‘Peter’s First & Best Sermon’

‘BodyBuilders’ Returns!


WHAT: Body Builders
WHERE: Duncan Road Church Park Gate Southampton SO31 1BD
WHO: Youth Events for anyone aged 8 to 15 years

Body Builders’ is an inter church event run by ‘Counties’ Hampshire:


November 11th 2023
December 9th 2023
January 13th 2024
February 10th 2024
March 9th 2024
April 20th 2024
Friday 3rd May to Monday 6th May 2024 –Bournemouth Houseparty

The Net – Quiz Night

Monthly Visit

We do enjoy our monthly visits to Hawthorne Court nursing home.
A short Christian service for some of the patients & staff always seems to be appreciated, we have our regulars like Ron (100+yrs) and we aleways have a few new folk coming along!
Hawthorne Court specialises in dementia care.