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Sunshine & Rain

Speakers Corner. Hyde Park. London.

One-to-One evangelism

One-to-One evangelism @ Speakers Corner. Hyde Park. London.

“If you take missions out of the Bible, you won’t having anything left but the covers.” – Nina Gunter

Speakers Corner in London’s Hyde Park is the oldest free speech platform in the world. People won the right to speak in mass protests in the 1860s and early 1870s. Some people believe the tradition is connected to the right of the condemned to a last speech before being hung at the Tyburn gallows, a practice that stopped at the end of the 18th century. Every Sunday people from all sorts of convictions come to Hyde Park in the afternoon to spead their message or to have fun.

Preaching Today…

Activity: Morning Service
Time: 10.130am
Venue: New Farm Chapel. Alresford, SO24 9QH
Subject: ‘Solid foundation or sinking sand?’ – sermon by Gordon Curley
Bible Passage: Isaiah chapter 28 verses 1-29
Speaker: Gordon Curley

WEC Quiz Night

Venue: West End Chapel. Fareham. Activity: Quiz Night.

Great to see a room full of people at WEC for their Quiz Night!
The evening diivded into four parts, #1: Quiz rounds. #2: some good news from the Bible. #3: some very nice fish & chips. #4: the completion of the quiz – you might be surprised to know that my team did not win!

Quiz Night

Quiz Night @ West End Chapel. Fareham.

Thanksgiving Service

Today I will be taking a committal and Thanksgiving Service for Wendy Hall.
Wendy was my former landlady but so much more! I am grateful to God for her and Ron her husnad’s generosity and big hearts!
Wendy is now with her Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ!

Wendy’s daughter writes, a final message from my Mum

“Our Lord died for our sins and rose to give us new life when we invite him into our hearts. Then nothing can separate us from the love of God, and Jesus has promised that he will walk with us each day, never leave us and give us his peace which is an amazing feeling and experience.”

The Lord’s Prayer

Two very different situations, a residential care home yesterday with those at the end of life, to a junior school this morning (for 2 assemblies) with those at the start of life – great to hear the Lord’s Prayer said from memory in both settings and a natural springboard into my various themes.

an encouraging email

an encouraging email received today –

“Just thought I’d share a little encouragement with you. E’s girlfriend (now 16) went to Sarisbury Junior school and just shared with me that she remembers you coming in to do school assemblies. She remembers acting out the parable of the lost sheep, how the shepherd left the 99 to find the one when she was year 6.
She said that soon after she started coming to church with us that she was reminded of that parable and realised she was that one sheep, She is now a Jesus follower having been a practising pagan when she started dating E.
Those seeds sown when she was in Yr 6 remained with her and all contribute to her journey to and in faith.”


Today at Speakers Corner