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Warning Against Adultery

‘Warning Against Adultery’Proverbs chapter 5 verses 1-23 – sermon by Gordon Curley


One-to-One evangelism at Speakers Corner

One-to-One evangelism at Speakers Corner. Hyde Park. London.

“Think and let think.” ~ John Wesley.

Speakers Corner in London’s Hyde Park is the oldest free speech platform in the world. People won the right to speak in mass protests in the 1860s and early 1870s. Some people believe the tradition is connected to the right of the condemned to a last speech before being hung at the Tyburn gallows, a practice that stopped at the end of the 18th century. Every Sunday people from all sorts of convictions come to Hyde Park in the afternoon to spead their message or to have fun.

Preaching this morning…

Preaching this morning…
Activity: Morning Service
Time: 10.130am
Subject: ‘Warning Against Adultery’ – sermon by Gordon Curley
Bible Passage: Proverbs chapter 5 verses 1-23
YouTube Livestream: CLICK HERE

Curleys Prayer lettter – Mid-May to August 2023

Curleys Prayer lettter – Mid-May to August 2023

Latest news from the Curleys, share in what God has been doing through ‘Counties’ in Hampshire.

The Net BBQ

Move over Charlie!

Move over Charlie, there is a younger & better looking option for the people of the UK.

Monthly service at Hawthorne Court, never dull with some great characters among the residents & staff!

Good to share a simple message on Solomon the boy King and Jesus the King of Kings!

Hawthorne Court is a nursing home specialising in dementia care and is set in the beautiful historic Coldeast estate.

StreetMic Interview with Asif & Gordon

StreetMic enjoys bringing you timely news by engaging with ordinary people on the streets of London.(3.97K subscribers).

Wendell Daniel interviews Asif & Gordon at Speakers Corner. Hyde Park. London.

To watch the full programme: CLICK HERE

‘Guard the Heart’

‘Guard the Heart’Proverbs chapter 4 verses 10-27 – sermon by Gordon Curley

(PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email:


One-to-One evangelism

One-to-One evangelism @ Speakers Corner, Hyde Park, London.

“Evangelism is not a monologue, but a dialogue”. – Jim George”

Speakers Corner in London’s Hyde Park is the oldest free speech platform in the world. People won the right to speak in mass protests in the 1860s and early 1870s. Some people believe the tradition is connected to the right of the condemned to a last speech before being hung at the Tyburn gallows, a practice that stopped at the end of the 18th century. Every Sunday people from all sorts of convictions come to Hyde Park in the afternoon to spead their message or to have fun.

Preaching today…

Preaching today…

Activity: Morning Service
Time: 10.130am
Subject: ‘The Beneficence of Wisdom’ – sermon by Gordon Curley
Bible Passage: Proverbs chapter 4 verses 10-27
Speaker: Gordon Curley
YouTube Livestream: CLICK HERE