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Preaching today…
Preaching today…
Activity: Morning Service
Time: 10.130am
Subject: ‘The Beneficence of Wisdom’ – sermon by Gordon Curley
Bible Passage: Proverbs chapter 4 verses 10-27
Speaker: Gordon Curley
YouTube Livestream: CLICK HERE
The Final Countdown BBHP 23
Some quotes from the Campers & Leadsers:
Beth’s 13th year!! “Helped me as a camper still encourages and teaches me now I’m a leader and I get to contribute to the youngsters walk with God too!! What could be better! “
Faith’s second year- “mini bus rides with my friends singing and dancing and worshipping all together were the best!!!!”
Lacie’s second year,- “can’t decide whether the food, the swimming or the singing was best!!!! Loved it all!2
Lexi- “I loved the singing in the bus!!! Everyone joined in, it was so much fun!!! It was SOOO loud!”
Hattie- “absolutely loved the chicken casserole and the swimming but especially the chicken casserole!”
Sophia- “I loved seeing Moose fall off the inflatable course in the pool!!!! The swimming was really fun!”
Abi- “10 out of 10!! Amazing weekend!!”
Ben- “It was really good!”
Ava – “I loved the worship songs, they meant a lot to me.”
‘BodyBuilders’ Houseparty 2023
‘BodyBuilders’ Houseparty 2023 starts tonight at 7.30pm.
We will be squeezed, squashed, stuffed, scrunched, packed, compressed and jammed into various rooms at our Church venue in Bournemouth. Dorset.
We are planning to invade The Llittledown Centre, in the swimming pool can anyone beat The Moose on the Crusher Assault Course?
In Swanage can we find that one ice-cream shop in the UK that sells liquorice, yes, that aromatic black substance ice-cream (drooling at the very thought of it!).
A night-time hike over Hengistbury Head Nature Reserve.
And to top it all off our last activity of the weekend a visit to Avon Heath Country Park!
I am shattered just looking at the programme for the long weekend!
Then throw in a great team of helpers, a little bit of chill time, some Bible teaching from yours truly and some indoor games activities, and of course the food, it is beyond “Delicious!”
Me thinks it all adds up to one unforgettable weekend!
‘BodyBuilders’ Houseparty Preparation
Burning the late night oil, as we finalise all the planning for this years ‘BodyBuilders’ Houseparty.
Over the weekend I will be speaking on The 3 Bee’s: Believing, Belonging, Behaving.
Believing: John cajhpter 3 verses 1-16
Belonging: 1 Corinthians chapter 12 verses 12-16
Behaving: Romans chaopter 12 verses 1-5
Please Pray:
Praise God for a good number of youth (Campers).
Please pray that God will speak to the young people and the young adult leaders who will play a big part in making the weekend happen!
Praise God for a great team of volunteer helpers.
Please pray unity, when young people get tired, problems arise!
Praise God for the freedom we have to run this type of weekend in the UK.
Please pray for health, we are squeezed into our venue, space is limited and a bug or an illness can ruin a good weekend!
Final run around prep as we, collect minibuses, load up minibuses with food, tuck & stuff, drive to Bournemouth, set up the various rooms in the Church for 41 people to eat, sleep, play games, chill etc. And then wait for the young people to arrive.
Solid Rock or Sinking Sand?
‘Solid Rock or Sinking Sand?’ – Isaiah chapter 28 verses 1-29 – sermon by Gordon Curley
(PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email:
Sunshine & Rain
Speakers Corner. Hyde Park. London.