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One-to-One evangelism at Speakers Corner

One-to-One evangelism at Speakers Corner. Hyde Park. London.

““Never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.” ― Mark Twain

Speakers Corner in London’s Hyde Park is the oldest free speech platform in the world. People won the right to speak in mass protests in the 1860s and early 1870s. Some people believe the tradition is connected to the right of the condemned to a last speech before being hung at the Tyburn gallows, a practice that stopped at the end of the 18th century. Every Sunday people from all sorts of convictions come to Hyde Park in the afternoon to spead their message or to have fun.

Preaching today…

Activity: All-Age Service
Time: 10.30am
Venue: Duncan Road Church. SO31 1BD
Subject: The Incomparable Christ: Talk 3: ‘The teaching of Jesus’
Bible Passage: Selected Scripture (The seven “I Am” statements in John’s Gospel)
Speaker: Gordon Curley
YouTube Livestream: CLICK HERE

Waiting & Chasing!

Waiting & Chasing!

Waiting – for four schools to get back to me regarding hosting Key to Life in June 2023.
Chasing – will be phoning head teachers on Wedsday if I have not heard anything.

Please pray for a positive response. Thank you.

Real Lives: Jim Magill

Good tonight to join with the AOE team and speak at the end of Jim’s testimony.

Jim always wanted to be a policeman from his early years. He joined the Royal Ulster Constabulary and served in Northern Ireland during The Troubles. His brother, also in the RUC was killed aged 21 and he himself survived the bombing of his armoured vehicle. They were difficult time for many, and Jim experienced the highs and lows of life during that time.
Join Roger Carswell in conversation with Jim as he share his experiences.
The livestream will also include a short talk on 1 John chapter 4 verses 14 by Gordon Curley.

An Association of Evangelists (UK) production.

Real Lives Tonight!

Join us tonight at 8.00pm on YouTube LiveStream (also on catch up).
Looking forward to working with the AOE team and speaking at the end of Jim’s testimony.

Jim always wanted to be a policeman from his early years. He joined the Royal Ulster Constabulary and served in Northern Ireland during The Troubles. His brother, also in the RUC was killed aged 21 and he himself survived the bombing of his armoured vehicle. They were difficult time for many, and Jim experienced the highs and lows of life during that time.
Join Roger Carswell in conversation with Jim as he share his experiences.
The livestream will also include a short talk on The livestream will also include a short talk on 1 John chapter 4 verses 14 by Gordon Curley


An Association of Evangelists (UK) production.

Ignite Magazine

In Spring’s Ignite: “Why are we here?” It’s a question that Christians often get asked and Counties Evangelist, Jonathan Brain, is no exception. To have the privilege of reading a conversation between him and Jerry Shirazian, a young man on a search for life’s meaning, just click below.

‘The Net’ Blues Night.

Hawthorn Court

A little walk through Speakers Corner

A little walk through Speakers Corner, Hyde Park, London. The day started sunny but soon wet bitter cold and then the rains came, the joy of the Bristish weather!
A few good chats, nothing dynamic but some weeks it’s step 1 and other weeks its’s step…etc

Speakers Corner in London’s Hyde Park is the oldest free speech platform in the world. People won the right to speak in mass protests in the 1860s and early 1870s. Some people believe the tradition is connected to the right of the condemned to a last speech before being hung at the Tyburn gallows, a practice that stopped at the end of the 18th century. Every Sunday people from all sorts of convictions come to Hyde Park in the afternoon to spead their message or to have fun.