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Talk 2: ‘The miracles of Jesus’
Speakers Corner. Hyde Park
One-to-One evangelism @ Speakers Corner. Hyde Park. London.
“Discussion is an exchange of knowledge; an argument an exchange of ignorance”
Robert Quillen
Speakers Corner in London’s Hyde Park is the oldest free speech platform in the world. People won the right to speak in mass protests in the 1860s and early 1870s. Some people believe the tradition is connected to the right of the condemned to a last speech before being hung at the Tyburn gallows, a practice that stopped at the end of the 18th century. Every Sunday people from all sorts of convictions come to Hyde Park in the afternoon to spead their message or to have fun.
‘Body Builders’ World Focus
We were a bit thin on the ground at tonight’s ‘Body Builders,’
(inter-Church youth event for anyone aged 8 to 15 years).
It was good to have our Wolrd Mission Focus on Steve Loader and to hear about his work among Seafarers.
The interview with Penny is only 7½ mins long, click on the photo/link if you would like to watch it.
A Counties Evening – 6th March 2023
What: A Counties Evening
Who: Anyone interested in evangelism!
Where: Duncan Road Church Park Gate Southampton SO31 1BD (
Or watch on Youtube.
What: Share in what God has been doing through ‘Counties’ in Hampshire…
Speakers Corner » Moldova » ‘Noah’s Ark‘ » ‘The Net’ » ‘BodyBuilders’ » Future plans! Plus all the latest news from Gordon & Penny Curley
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Talk #1: ‘The Uniqueness of Jesus’
The Incomparable Christ: Talk #1: ‘The Uniqueness of Jesus’ – John chapter 5 verses 16-30 – sermon by Gordon Curley
(PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email:
Preaching this morning…
Preaching this morning…
Activity: All-Age Service
Time: 10.30am
Venue: Duncan Road Church. SO31 1BD
Subject: The Incomparable Christ: ‘#1: The Uniqueness of Jesus’
Bible Passage: John chapter 5 verses 16-45
Speaker: Gordon Curley
YouTube Livestream: CLICK HERE
Key to Life is returning to Hampshire
Key to Life is back in Hampshire in June, I am contacting schools this week to see if they will have it. Please pray for a good response.
Key to Life is a cutting-edge, mobile experience, sharing the story of Jesus through a unique and immersive lesson. Using floor-to-ceiling touch screens, children can watch films, interact with games and quizzes and take part in small group discussions – helping them explore what Christians believe, and understand how the story of Jesus is the key to Christianity.
Sermon Centrals weekly report.
Always encouraging to read Sermon Centrals weekly report, a reminder that the text of a sermon can be a blessing to others:
1,375 Total Views
366 Sermons Viewed
63 Countries Reached
Encouraging email from Cape Town, South Africa.
“We are currently doing a series on the book of Luke with our fellowship. I came across your notes and your offer to supply the Power Point that goes along with it. Please may I ask that you send it through to me. I really enjoyed your illustrations and the simple way you unpacked this passage and made it challenging to us today.”
Sermon Central:
Equipping Pastors and Ministry leaders worldwide as they study, sermon prep, and share the Word. Website: Click Here