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Preaching Today

Activity: Morning Service
Time: 10.30am
Venue: Charminster Chapel. Bournemouth. BH8 9SJ
Subject: ‘Kipling’s six honest men of Baptism’
Bible Passage: Matthew chapter 28 verses 19-20
Speaker: Gordon Curley

Activity: Gospel Service
Time: 6.30am
Venue: Gospel Hall. Sandy Lane, Fair Oak, SO50 8EG
Speaker: Gordon Curley
Subject: ‘The Gospel is Good News’
Bible Passage: Colossians 1 verses 1-12

DATE FOR THE DIARY: Bob Pearce Blues Night


Bob Pearce Blues Night
When: Tuesday 14th March 2023
Venue: Salterns Working Mens Club. SO31 9FY
Time: 8.00pm to 10.00pm
Activity: A night of good music from Bob & Steve
Guest Speaker: Colin Dyer will give a short talk on one of the Bible Psalms, – ‘A song that has stood the test of time’

Note: More dates for the diary:
April 11th: Face to Face with Vij Sodera
May 9th: BBQ in the Woods with guest speaker Mike Mellor

‘The Net’
‘The Net’ is usually held on the second Tuesday of the month from 8.00pm to 10.00pm.
It is an inter-church event for MEN.

A blast from the past.

Sunshine at Speakers Corner.

Join us for a Counties Evening

Join us for a Counties Evening

Who: Anyone interested in evangelism!

When: March 6th 2023
(7.45pm refreshments. 8.00pm start – 9.00pm finish)

Where: Duncan Road Church Park Gate Southampton SO31 1BD (

What: Share in what God has been doing through ‘Counties’ in Hampshire… Speakers Corner » Moldova » ‘Noah’s Ark‘ » ‘The Net’ » ‘BodyBuilders’ » Future plans!
Plus all the latest news from Gordon & Penny Curley

Youtube Livestream: CLICK HERE

Speakers Corner. London

One-to-One Evangelism Hyde Park, speakers corner. London

“We Christians sometimes think we need a plan for evangelism. I don’t think Jesus had an evangelism plan. I think He just interacted with the people He came into contact with.” ~ Matt Diaz

Speakers Corner in London’s Hyde Park is the oldest free speech platform in the world. People won the right to speak in mass protests in the 1860s and early 1870s. Some people believe the tradition is connected to the right of the condemned to a last speech before being hung at the Tyburn gallows, a practice that stopped at the end of the 18th century. Every Sunday people from all sorts of convictions come to Hyde Park in the afternoon to spead their message or to have fun.

Preaching this morning…

Preaching this morning…
Time: 10.30am
Venue: Swanfield Chapel. Chichester PO19 6TD.
Subject: ‘Bringing Light Into the Darkness’
Bible Passage: John chapter 1 verses 1-3 & 14

Final day at Space Academy Holiday Club.

Final day at Space Academy Holiday Club.
Good to lead a great team of volunteers from Swanfield Chapel, Chichester! Five days of fun and madness and some more serious items in the programme as well!
51 children came during week with an average of 40 per day.

Two hours of fun, games, Bible stories, competitions, DVD’s, songs and much more!
This year’s theme was Space – great to learn some incredible facts on stars, the planets and link it all up to the story of Daniel!

Space Academy Holiday Club

Good start to the week at Space Academy Holiday Club. Swanfield Chapel. Chichester.
Songs, Crafts, Bible Stories, Competitions, DVD’s, Super Secret Secret Seats and more!
One child told her parent, “It was the most funtastic time ever!”

Two down three to go!

Space Academy Holiday Club

Starting today…
Space Academy Holiday Club is a 5-day fun event for children aged 4 – 11 years (school years Reception to Year 6) run by volunteers from Swanfield Chapel, Chichester. We start at 10.00am and finsih at 12noon.
Two hours of fun, games, Bible stories, competitions, DVD’s, songs and much more!

This year’s theme is Space – who doesn’t love learning about incredible facts on stars, discovering fascinating information on the planets and learning all about the story of Daniel! Narrated by famous storyteller Bob Hartman, with space wisdom from professors and academics children will be both entertained and taught.