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Review Meetings
Well it;s almost all over for another year, today we have two review meetings.
10.00am Meeting with the Pastor’s.
1.00pm Team meeting and lunch.
The evenagelistic meetings are now concluded but the follow up work for the Pasots goes on! I am also encouraged that that the Spirit of God continues to work in the hearts of men, love the litttle parable of Jesus in Mark 4:26-29,
“Jesus said, “This is what the kingdom of God is like. A man scatters seed on the ground. 27 Night and day, whether he sleeps or gets up, the seed sprouts and grows, though he does not know how. 28 All by itself the soil produces grain—first the stalk, then the head, then the full kernel in the head. 29 As soon as the grain is ripe, he puts the sickle to it, because the harvest has come.”
MM 2024 Blog #9:
MM 2024 Blog #9:
Today we were preaching in the Cantemir Districtof Moldova.
Sunday Morning Service:
A very enjoyable service with great singing and an engaged congregation, Everyone was invited to stay after the service to enjoy a meal, this was put on because we came to visit.
Jamie: testimony
Gordon: Preach
21 people, 3 kids
6/7 responses
Afternoon F.R.A.N.K. meeting.
A chat and preach while sitting around a table, intimate but effective, thee pre-message conversation was good and the ice broken before the gosprl was shared.
Jamie: testimony
Gordon: Preach
11 people with four adults there for the first time.
3 responses
Evening F.R.A.N.K. meeting.
This was held in the Church and so many from the village attended, once gain many were there for the first time!
Jamie: testimony
Gordon: Preach
30 people
8 responses
Today my team will be at Baiamaclia/Frumusica
Today my team will be at Baiamaclia/Frumusica,
Frumușica is a commune in Floreşti District, Moldova. It is composed of two villages, Frumușica and Frumușica Nouă
Baimaclia is a commune in Cantemir District, Moldova. It is composed of three villages: Acui, Baimaclia, and Suhat.
Gordon and Viorel Jamie snd Darian
First meeting 10:00 at Frumusica.
Then Baiamaclia at 2.00pm & 4.00pm
MM 2024 Blog 8:
MM 2024 Blog 8:
Today my team are at Al Caza, near Etulia on the Ukrainnian border.
FRANK Meeting #1;
22 people (including us) strange setting beside a supermarket, people walking in and out, phones going off at inaproipriate times, noisy tractor parked next to us with loud ebgine runnijng while he went in the shps, and in all the madness God was at work!
8 kids(it was good to do a kids talk just for them, great to see their faces light up and see teir smiles)
9 responses (4 from kids)
FRANK Meeting #2;
7 people
3/3 responses, ladies
All outside the church and in a row of houses where the Pastor has been praying for a breakthrough.
FRANK Meeting #3;
13 people outside in the courtyard, the sun shone in their faces (they would not move) and the wind blew, they listening well.
3 kids
6/7 responses (2 kids)
MM 2024 Blog 7:
MM 2024 Blog 7:
First FRANK meeting
Preach: Jamie (his first preach in Moldova)
Testimony: Gordon
16 people
1 response; Eugenia
Second FRANK meeting
Preach: Gordon
Testimony: Jamie
20 people 8/9 responses
Many questions, love the 2 old ladies (see photo) who argued with each other, one telling the other to shut up and the other lady telling her not to smile for the photo until she puts her teeth in!
Third FRANK meeting
Preach: Gordon
Testimony: Jamie
15 people
6/7 responses at the appeal.
Please continue to pray for the Pastor’s who will follow up those who responded.
MM 2024 Blog #6:
MM 2024 Blog #6:
A less busy day today with just two meetings, although the traveling to the first one was much ,onger.
FRANK meeting at Tarancuta
FRANK meeting at Tarancuta
A really enjoyable time at Hope house with a young missionary family who transported people from Cietu, Baimaclia, Cirpesti and a person from Hanaseni Leova, villages to hear the gospel in their home!
25 attended
Some were very drunk!
6/7 gospel responses
Testimony: Jamie
Preach: GC
Youth meeting at Emmanuel Church Cahul.
25 young people
Mostly Christians as other kids were tempted to go to the Halloween events in the town.
No responses
Testimony: Jamie
Preach/Teach: GC
MM 2024 Blog #5:
MM 2024 Blog #5:
Morning and evening at Biserica “Speranta” Cahul, for two vwry different meetings.
This morning a meeting of disabled people, the blind, the crippled and many other disabiliyies. The evening was with a large youthgroup and in the afternoon we went to the small village of Cotihanna for a FRANK meeting.
Jamie writes:
Morning big church meeting
Approx 50 people
Gordon testimony
Igor preach
1 response
Afternoon meeting
25 people
Jamie testimony
Gordon preach
5 responses (1 for 2nd time)
Evening youth group meeting
Approx 30 people
Jamie testimony
Gordon preach
No public response, but God seemed to have done something.