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Moldova Day 3
Today the team moved from Vadul lui Isac to the town of Cahul and this will be our base for the rest of the week.
Only one meeting today for me and also one for Lance & Joshua. My group (see photo below) was in Badicu, north of Cahul. Great to see a mixture of ages fill the room, and a thrill to see two young men responded to the preaching.
Mark writes, “This was one of the meetings on Tuesday in Badicu where Gordon preached. There were around 14 unsaved at it. Two youth made a public commitment to Christ. On the left of the picture is ‘D’ who was one of those who gave his life to the Lord Afterwards when we were eating with Sveta and the family one of the girls said that Danu had been close for quite a while and recently she has asked him when he was going to give his life to the Lord and he said “My day will come” – Tuesday was the day”
Later tonight Steve flys into Chisinau Airport and joins the team. Tomorrow Steve and myself will take three meetings at 11.00am, 15.00pm & 18.00pm (Moldova is two hours ahead of the UK timewise).
Moldova Day 1
First preach of the day will be at Biserica Baptista (followed by two afternoon services elsewhere)
Vadul lui Isac in Cahul is located in Moldova about 92 mi (or 148 km) south of Chisinau, the country’s capital town.
Last here in 2018, so looking forward to seeing some friends in person rather than on FaceBook.
Mission 2 is made uo of Josh & Lance from Northern Ireland, Mark McCormick (Moldovan Mission) and myself. We will all be preaching in different Churches today.
Moldova here we go!
At the airport waiting for take-off!
10 day gospel preaching mission planned in association with The Moldovan Missionand local Churches.
Sarisbury Junior School
Two assemblies this morning at SJS. My visits are not as frequent now the school has a new Head Techer, but the welcome from pupils and staff was more enthusiastic than before, ‘maybe absense makes….’
Great time sharing on the theme, ‘Rememberence.’
Nov 5th: Guy Fawkes
Nov 11th: Rememberence Sunday.
Jesus, “Rememebr me!”
Counties Weekend Conference 2022.
Counties Weekend Conference 2022.
Pioneer Centre, Cleobury Mortimer, Kidderminster.
““A conference is a gathering of people who singly can do nothing but together can decide that nothing can be done.” -Fred Allen (LOL)!
Kathy running the crèche.
GC running the Saturday night entertaiment.
Penny running out of energy as she chats and chats and chats to everyone!
Printed Sermons Online
Always encouraging to read Sermon Centrals weekly report, a reminder that the text of a sermon can be a blessing to others:
1,588 Total Views
427 Sermons Viewed
74 Countries Reached
Sermon Central:
Equipping Pastors and Ministry leaders worldwide as they study, sermon prep, and share the Word. Website: Click Here
Encouraging request from Brazil
“Our team found some of your sermons on Sermon Central, and we would love to translate them and make them available on our website in Portuguese”
The organization will soon release a new website/app for Brazilian (and all Portuguese-speaking) church leaders called PalavraHub (Palavra means WORD). We will offer free sermon transcripts, outlines, and other resources. At this moment, we are working on collecting and translating material.
Click Here:
Hatun Tash (Speakers Cornner)
Met Police apologises to Christian preacher and pays £10,000 in damages after she was ‘wrongly’ arrested TWICE at Speakers’ Corner having complained to officers about threats by Islamic protesters
Hatun has pledged all the money to @Christian Concern but the newspaper failed to mention this.
I was there the day she was stabbed – if you don’t know the story – CLICK HERE
Daily Mail Story: CLICK HERE
Sir John Laing
Great man of God!
We have used the Counties school resource ‘GSUS LIVE’ many times in Hants to reach thousands of secondry school pupils with the message of Jesus, it is one of many projects that The Laing Trust have help to finance over many, many years!
Take 20 minutes to watch this! CLICK HERE
Sir John Laing was a remarkable man, who, from small beginnings in Carlisle, turned a small family firm into a building and civil engineering concern of international proportions.
A world renowned builder, he was ahead of his time in many innovations and developments which directly benefitted both his employees and his business. He was among the first to give holidays with pay, a company pension, bonus payments, payments by results and to introduce many schemes which became standard in the construction industry. He encouraged shareholding by employees.
Sir John was a Christian who believed in the ‘life abundant’ and lived it to the full in the service of others. A true leader of men, he was generous both with his time and his money.
He was a captain of industry who retained his boyish delight in the fun and games of youth, a man who made a fortune but asked only for the simplest of life-styles, a philanthropist who gave away his fortune, yet never sought to dominate or direct the causes he helped. The scope and full extent of his giving will never be known.
In his personal life, he was free from ostentation. In a materialistic society, he was a man who gained glittering prizes and refused the glitter.“
Excerpt from LAING – The Biography of Sir John W Laing, CBE (1879-1978) by Roy Coad