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Sermon Centrals Weekly Report

While I was soaking uop the sunshine on holiday last week, my online txt sermons were busy working away!
Always encouraging to read Sermon Centrals weekly report, a reminder that the text of a sermon can be a blessing to others:

1,904 Total Views
485 Sermons Viewed
73 Countries Reached

Sermon Central:
Equipping Pastors and Ministry leaders worldwide as they study, sermon prep, and share the Word. Website: Click Here

And we are back!

Obrigado Alvor, O Algarve nunca deixa de entregar!

Off on Holiday

On holiday somewhere hot & sunny – back to work 2/8/22

Speakers Corner

Yep, mad dogs & evangelists go out in the midday sun!
Not sure Speakers Corner (Hyde Park, London) missed me over the last two weeks but I have missed it!

“Discussion is an exchange of knowledge; an argument an exchange of ignorance”
Robert Quillen

Preaching this morning…

Preaching this morning…

Activity: All-Age Service.
Time: 10.30am.
Venue: Duncan Road Church. SO31 1BD.
Subject: “From Danger into Danger.”
Bible Passage: Acts chapter 23 verses 1-35.
Speaker: Gordon Curley.

Sermon Centrals Weekly Report

Always encouraging to read Sermon Centrals weekly report, a reminder that the text of a sermon can be a blessing to others:

2,206 Total Views
532 Sermons Viewed
74 Countries Reached

To read a comment, “love your work!” is good for the ego or perhaps a better word might be, encouraging!
Always great two recieve several emails each week requesting PowerPoint slides for talks, I am amazed at the variety of countries these requests come from and hope the Pastor/Preacher can translate them into their own language.

Sermon Central:
Equipping Pastors and Ministry leaders worldwide as they study, sermon prep, and share the Word. Website: Click Here

Preaching this evening

Preaching this evening…

Gospel Service
Venue: Cannon Court Evangelical Church in Fetcham. Surrey KT22 9JZ.
Time: 10.30am
Speaker: Gordon Curley
Subject: “An unanswerable argument”
Bible Passage: Acts chapter 21 verse 40- chapter 22 verse 30.

“Good News Worth Hearing!” – John chapter 3 verse 16

“Good News Worth Hearing!”John chapter 3 verse 16 – sermon by Gordon Curley

(PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email:


Preaching this morning

Preaching this morning…

Activity: 100yrs Celebration Service
Time: 10.30am
Venue: Duncan Road Church. SO31 1BD
Subject: “Good News Worth Hearing!”
Bible Passage: John chapter 3 verse 16.

Good News Camp 2022 Prayer & Praise

Good News Camps 2022:

Praise for:

*Praise for all the young people booked into Camp! With additional Leaders & Workers Kids we are going to have plenty of people on site!

*A great Camp site – each year Lockerley Water Farm gets better & better and the redesigned kitchen & barn should prove to be a great improvement!

*Praise for a varied team of helpers,(different experiences, ages and Church backgrounds) which will provide a great opportunity to work together (Psalm 133 – The Message: “How wonderful, how beautiful, when brothers and sisters get along…Yes, that’s where God commands the blessing.”)

Pray for:

*Pray for the right number of campers, if we have a surge of campers booking in late we will need additional Cabin leaders to look after them.

*Pray forHealth & safety – accidents do happen – pray with us that any accident/health issue will be insignificant!

*Pray for Unity & balancing the team – we have a variety of helpers – pray that we will all compliment each other in our various roles.

*Pray forFor Gordon as he prepares talks for this year’s Camp.

*Pray forFor a good time spiritually– that the week will be marked with conversions and spiritual growth.

Thanks for your prayers & support!