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Life & Death

BodyBuilders Houseparty 2022

A fantastic weekend, with a great bunch of young people, matched by a great team of helpers!
Although BBHP is over for another year the memories will live on!
‘BodyBuilders’ Houseparty 2022 – an inter-Church event run by Counties Hants

“An unanswerable argument”

“An unanswerable argument” Acts chapter 21 verse 40- chapter 22 verse 30. – sermon by Gordon Curley

(PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email:


Preaching this morning…

Preaching this morning…

Activity: All Age Service
Venue: Duncan Ropad Church. SO31 1BD.
Time: 10.30am
Speaker: Gordon Curley
Subject: ‘An unanswerable argument”
Bible Passage: Acts chapter 21 verse 40- chapter 22 verse 30.

Noah’s Ark Toddlers and Babies group

Praise God that Noah’s Ark Toddlers and Babies group (held at Duncan Road Church) was very full this morning, about 50 today! Penny writes, “Pray that something of the Noah’s Ark story may have got thru’.”

Christian Polemist Hatun Tash is arrested!

Question: How do you keep things calm at Speakers Corner?
Answer: You arrest the victim and ignore those who committed the crime!

Hatun Tash is a well-known Christian preacher who regularly debates Islam and the Qur’an at Speakers’ Corner in Hyde Park. She has faced threats to her life on multiple occasions for speaking, and was attacked and stabbed on 25 July 2021 for preaching at Speakers’ Corner, suffering wounds to her face and hand. Police have repeatedly failed to protect Hatun or make any arrests following her being assaulted and threatened. Instead, she herself has been arrested and detained overnight in a police cell for challenging Islam at Speakers’ Corner.

Hatun, an ex-Muslim and convert to Christianity, is director of the ministry Defend Christ Critique Islam, and has witnessed many Muslims turn from faith to Christianity. She is now being supported by the Christian Legal Centre and counter-terrorism are also investigating the case. Her case raises the question of whether the UK is implementing sharia law through the back door.

Speakers Corner

After a 2 week break it’s good to be back at Speakers Corner, Hyde Park, London for some one-to-one (or often one-to-eight) evangelism!
Jesus Christ did not say, “Go into all the world and tell the world that it is quite right.”
C.S. Lewis

School Assemblies

A great priveledge to regually visit Sarisbury Church Of England Junior School Today is my second assembly of six in a row!
These weekly visits enable me to take a theme or teach at a deeper level, that due to time constraits is not be possible in a one-off assembly.

“Let each generation tell its children of your mighty acts; let them proclaim your power.” – Psalm 145 verse 4.

The Chrfistianity Explored Course

We are just over the half-way mark on the Chrfistianity Explored course that we are running in our home. Some interesteing and hard to answer questions arise each week from our mixed group of participants, this means we always run short of discusioin time but hoefully we are managinfg to cover the important points! Kepp praying!

What is Christianity Explored?

Christianity Explored does exactly what it says on the tin. It is a series of evenings for people who’d like to investigate Christianity for the first time, or for those who would like to refresh what they’ve believed for some time. It explores who Jesus is, what his aims are and what it means to follow him. The course does not assume any knowledge or faith. In fact it was designed particularly for those not sure what they believe.

What happens at Christianity Explored?

We begin by having a meal together. This is an important part of the course, as well as being delicious! This is a good chance to relax and get to know others.

At each session, there is a short DVD (lasting about 20 minutes) where some aspect of the Christian faith is presented. Then, in small groups, there is the chance to discuss, debate or even disagree with what has been said. No comment is out of bounds!

Christianity Explored looks primarily at the eye-witness account of Jesus’ life written by the disciple, Mark. Everyone coming to the course is given a copy of Mark’s gospel as well as the Christianity Explored study guide and is encouraged to read the gospel over 7 weeks. You’re not asked to pray, sing, or read aloud, and you can ask any question you like. Or, if you prefer, you can come along and simply listen.

There are seven sessions each lasting an hour to an hour and a half.

‘Choices, Choices, Choices’

‘Choices, Choices, Choices’ Galatians Chapter 5 verses 1-12 – sermon by Gordon Curley

(PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email:
