Information About Finance

Do 'Counties' employ their evangelists?
No! All evangelists are self-employed, receiving no salary from 'Counties'.
What financial support do 'Counties' give their evangelists?
As funds allow, a monthly gift is passed on to each evangelist (with the exception of Associates and CPI workers).
This gift amounts to only a small proportion of an evangelist's living costs.
Who then provides the rest of an evangelist's needed income?
The simple answer is God!
Each evangelist trusts the Lord to provide for their needs.
The practical answer is that God meets the evangelist's needs through his people.
'Counties' evangelists believe this is a biblical principle (1 Corinthians 9:7-14, 2 Corinthians 9:6-15).
Individuals and Churches who know about the work of 'Counties' and want to support the ministry may send the evangelists occasional or regular gifts.
Do 'Counties' evangelists charge for their work?
No! Each evangelist works on an invitation basis and trusts that the Church or organisation they are working with will be conscientious before the Lord.
Sometimes there is no financial remuneration, other times a church will be very generous.
What about non-church activities?
1. Activities such as school assemblies and Religious Instruction lessons are financed in one of three ways.
(a) Occasionally a school may pay the travelling expenses of the evangelist.
(b) An individual or church may 'adopt' a school in their area or in the county.
When that school is visited they may decide to provide some financial help to the evangelist.
(Dates of school visits and prayer information is always available
Tel: 01489 582395 or use the email link below).
(c) Gifts sent to the evangelist are used to meet these expenses.
2. Events run by 'Counties' Hampshire evangelist e.g. youth events, men's outreaches, house parties etc are financed in one of two ways.
(a) The Hampshire Regional Fellowship provide occasional gifts to help.
(b) Gifts sent to the evangelist are used to meet these expenses.
How can I help support 'Counties' Hampshire?
To find out more about supporting 'Counties' Hampshire, please click here or on the 'Donate' button on the right of the page.